Saturday, March 5, 2011

Remembering in realtime - my Facebook Journal

July 15, 2009 at 12:47 pm
Andrea McCoy Branagan - Baby Girl Branagan born 7:40 am. 7 pounds 12 ounces.
Nicole - So happy for y'all! I hope you and Timber have magically gotten over your colds (one less thing to deal with!) She is a very lucky little girl, but poor Kale! :) Hugs!
Cynthia - Yippee!! Girls rock!! Can't wait to hear about the birth! How was it, know what I mean! Birth is Birth, right! The most awesome experience we EVER GET TO HAVE........
Debby - What a great way to share the news - Congratulations!
Linda - Congrats!!!! :-) So happy for you!
Crystal - Mama sends her congrats! (Just told her the news while she's at work.) <3

July 16, 2009 8:09am
Andrea McCoy Branagan -  Awake with baby girl (still no name!) She's so beautiful.
Jennifer C. - Andrea!! I'm so happy for Casper and you. Way to go. Good like on the name, I'm sure you'll find a beautiful name for that beautiful girl....Cecila Ann, Eva or Ava Rose????
Taylor - Congrats Andrea! Post pictures soon! xoxo

July 17, 2009 at 12:55am
Andrea McCoy Branagan - What a STORY!!!
Lorrie - Beautiful STORY I have to say

July 18, 2009 8:49pm
Andrea McCoy Branagan - Up and around! Thrilled to be invited to a great birthday party today. Very tired - but I'm so glad to be able to enjoy the day.
Midwife Diane Albright  - It was wonderful having your family join us in celebrating Carter's birthday. Thank you so much for coming!

July 18, 2009 9:30pm
Andrea McCoy Branagan -
Story Elias Branagan - 8 hours old

Rhonda - Congratulations Andrea, Story is beautiful! Sorry for the late congrats, I haven't been on in a while!

July 19, 2009 at 5:01pm
Marisa -  Did you have your baby??
Andrea McCoy Branagan - Yes! That picture of a baby on my profile . . . that would be her! LOL
Nicole - Congratulations Andrea! I can't wait to see the baby....she is beautiful :-)
Andrea McCoy Branagan -  Love this article. All of my kids were born between 41 and 42 weeks. 
How the 40 week pregnancy myth came about and why it's totally wrong.

July 19, 2009 at 7:59 pm
Andrea McCoy Branagan - Happy Birthday Keegan. We love you and miss you.

July 19, 2009 at 8:16 pm

Keegan - July 19, 2001

Story - July 15, 2009

Michelle - Precious!!!
Angie - congratulations! story is beautiful...she does look like Casper, but I see your gaze in the photos. I can't wait to hold her.
Jeremi - Story looks just like her daddy and older brother!
Andrea McCoy Branagan - Story looks JUST like Keegan!
Cori - She's beautiful! Looks just like a Branagan!!
Marisa - She sure is cute.... JUST ADORABLE! =))
Ashley -  I'm getting the baby bug AGAIN - of course Ty says no more... boo...

July 20, 2009 at 11:03 am
Andrea McCoy Branagan - Good morning!
Linda - good afternoon :)
Tina - should be great morning I know you are on top of the world right now
Cathy - Good night! 

July 21, 2009 at 4:40 pm
Andrea McCoy Branagan  - Peaceful day.
Midwife Diane Albright - I'm glad. How are all the critters?

July 22, 2009 at 3:29 pm
Andrea McCoy Branagan - Bunnies going home today! Yippie!
Lorrie - I had to click LIKE...but let me say I love the fact they didn't come home with ME,lol
Andrea McCoy Branagan - 2 bunnies went today to two different families who are knowledgeable about rabbit care and will keep them inside. I am so thrilled! This is what makes it all worth it.

July 23, 2009 at 6:18 pm
Taylor - Hey girl! How are you feeling? Hope all is well!
Marilyn - How's that precious baby doing?
Jennifer N. - She is absolutely beautiful.
Katerina - BABY!!!!!!!!!! How could I have missed this:( so beautiful!

July 23, 2009 at 7:52 pm
Andrea McCoy Branagan - Ugh! The chickens are out to get me! Stupid chickens!!!

July 24, 2009 at 12:40 pm
Andrea McCoy Branagan - Amazing! Must watch! Still wiping away tears
Watch how a baby is delivered in a cesarean birth and see the dramatic difference of what both the mother and baby experience in a home water birth after cesarean.
Tara - Thanks for sharing that. My homebirthed water baby didn't cry either - in fact, she came out dead asleep, SNORING!!!
Angie - wow...amazing. I can so relate to much of her story. I was told the exact same thing (baby too large) with my 2nd one right at 39 weeks as well. Of course, I was told that the first time around and that lead to the first very un-necessary cesarean with Z.

July 24, 2009 at 11:32 am
Andrea McCoy Branagan  - Morning has crept into afternoon without me realizing it!
Marilyn - Same here
Linda - it has a way of doing that.

July 25, 2009 at 1:38 pm
Andrea McCoy Branagan - Story passed away last night. I am a basket case. Please no calls, emails, or visitors.

- Andrea, I'm so sorry and shocked. May your heart and mind find some peace soon. Sara Au Please let me know if I can do anything. My heart is broken for you.
Maggie-  I am so sorry, Andrea. Prayers are coming your way.
Laura M. - oh andrea, I'm so sorry. I'm at a loss for words.
Christi - Praying for you and your family, Andrea. There are no words.
Amy - anything i can do?
Will - Very sorry to hear it, Andrea. My thoughts are with you.
Kristy - Andrea I am so sorry. If I can help or support you in any way, please let me know. Hugs and love to your whole family from ours.
Jennifer N. - I have not stopped praying for you and your family. I am so sorry for your loss, I pray God will help you thru this difficult time.
Nicole U. - We are praying for you and your family...words can't express how sorry we are for you all.
Suzie - I am so sorry for your devastating loss.
Nicole E. - My heart breaks for you and prayers are for you. Words fail...
Tara - Praying for peace for you and your family Andrea.
Cristy - Hugs Andrea... I am speechless and so incredibly sorry... Xoxoxo
Mary - My heart is breaking. We love you. Prayers are being said for your family
Linda - Psalm 18:2 "The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the hornof my salvation, my stronghold."

July 26, 2009 at 9:12 pm
Andrea McCoy Branagan - I can't believe I'm making arrangements to bury my baby girl . . . . This just can't be real. 
Sherry - We are all thinking of you and your family. Our deepest thoughts and kindest prayers to you.

July 27, 2009 at 6:02 pm
Andrea McCoy Branagan  - We heard from the medical examiner - Story passed from SIDS. One of those things you think will never happen to YOU. There's no known cause. The ceremony is open to the public and will be at First Presbyterian Church in Maitland at 4:00 on Thursday.
Patrisha - Andrea, I'm so sorry for you and your family's loss. I wish I could take this pain away, please let me know if there's anything at all I can do. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Erin - I'm so very sorry for your loss. You are in my thoughts.
Shelly - I can't believe this we are praying for your family.
Judy - We are praying for you and your family. We are so sorry.
Jennifer C. - Andrea and Casper, I know that there are no words that I can say to help you during this time. But I hope that these songs will help you. Tony and I will be here to help in any way possible. I will be there on Thursday and Tony is trying to work something out with his work. We continue to pray for your family.
Doris - Thinking of you Andrea... I've always loved this song myself... Eric Clapton, Tears in Heaven.
Cristy - Here's another song I thought was fitting for where you are right now... it's one of my favorites... Natalie Grant "Held"
Susan - Thinking of you all day today. I cannot be there physically, but please know I am with you.

July 28, 2009 at 6:00 pm
Andrea McCoy Branagan  - Mercy Me Homesick
a great song but its sad that it is now meaningful
Barbara Snipes (Mom) - Story passed from SIDS. One of those things you think will never happen to YOU. There's no known cause. The ceremony is open to the public and will be at First Presbyterian Church in Maitland at 4:00 on Thursday. We certainly don't expect anything - but I know a lot of people have asked to bring food or send flowers. If you were planning to send something or buy food - we would  greatly appreciate a donation in the amount of whatever you would have spent on something else. We are working on a memorial for Story. Thank you.
She was a beautiful baby that will forever be in our hearts.
Nicole - Andrea, Donovan and I would love to donate to Story's memorial fund. When you feel up to it please post how to do that. We love you all and are praying night and day for you and your family.
Andrea McCoy Branagan  - There will be a collection taken at Woodbury on Sunday. Pastor Rod and Pastor Sam Knight will be doing the memorial service at First Presbyterian Church of Maitland on Thursday at 4.

July 29, 2009 at 7:47 pm
Andrea McCoy Branagan  - Her story was too short . . .
Tara -I am thinking of you this morning Andrea.
Malee - "What we have here, in this huge space, is an invisible solidarity, one with the other. Bereavement can leave you bleak and bitter; it can make some people cry abuse at the universe, or at God; it can strengthen others in their faith or acceptance. Whatever, and there are no rules, when we come here tonight we know one thing that we are not alone. Holding hands in our imaginations, or actually holding them, what we do is this: we make a circle of our own, private grief and share, even if briefly, the pain of others. That is being part of humanity. That is one aspect of the power of love."

July 30, 2009 at 10:36 am
Cori - Andrea, I hope that you know you have so many many friends who love and support you. We cannot totally take away your pain, but hopefully today we can surround you with friendship and uplift you and Casper. Lean on us, We are here for you.
Jennifer - There are no words to say that would bring you comfort but may you find comfort in God, your family, and friends who will surround you today. Those who cannot make it, know that you are in their hearts and prayers. We love you, Andrea and Casper, and we are all here when you need us.
Laura - Tim and I have both been thinking about and praying for you and Casper and the kids.

July 30, 2009 3:55pm Cristy Nielsen (mobile upload) -
Cristy - Love you Andrea... Story's service was beautiful! Hugs to you...
Angie - you are still in my prayers. know that your star is shining bright above your path so someday you shall meet again. the angels are holding her now, keeping her safe and warm for always. hugs to you and Casper today! i hope that being surrounded by family and friends comforted you a bit. know that we are all here for you.
Jennifer N. - thinking of you today and praying
Cori - Story's memorial was beautiful, Pastor Knight did a wonderful job and Kale was adorable. I only wish I could help somehow to take away your pain.
Andre'a - It was a beautiful service and I am so glad you had so much love and support to guide you through the day.. We all care for you and will continue to pray and be there for you always..
Jennifer E. - Thinking of you today &Praying for you every day all day. ((Hugz))
Marisa - Andrea, I wanted you to know that the memorial service today was just BEAUTIFUL, as your Story was too...and I wish there were something I could say to magically wipe your pain away. I saw your grief from far away and felt it with every step you took...I am SO SORRY you are going through this and hope you will someday call on me for help & support. Take it one day at a time....and just remember, you have sooo many friends around you that love you and want you to get past this....stay strong, sweetie.
Karen - AMEN!!
Cori - Beautifully written M. My thoughts as well. We Love you Andrea!
Doris - My sentiments exactly... We do love you Andrea. Please reach out to us when you're ready...
Jennifer C. - I just wanted to let you know that the service was beautiful, like her. When you are ready, know that we are all here for you. Story was a blessing. We love you all.
Sara - my sentiments exactly Andrea. We love you. Thanks for putting it into words, Jennifer.
Patty - Kale was the hero of the day. What a true blessing and a gift of love to Story from this wonderful brother of hers. He touched the hearts of everyone.
Taber - Kale really was a glimpse of sunlight today and Timber's smile was an inspiration. I'm here for you.
Maggie - All my love, Andrea. The service was beautiful, and I am honored to have been there to support you. Please know how many prayers are continually going to you all. Love always...........

August 1, 2009 at 7:22 pm
Andrea McCoy Branagan - Thank you all for the incredible outpouring of love and support at Story's memorial.

August 1, 2009 at 8:07 pm
Andrea McCoy Branagan  - Missing my angel. 
Lily - Thinking of you today. I don't have any words but the trite overused ones. Just know that I am so sorry for you and wish I could take away some of the pain.
Malee - I often think on how different my life would be, If the other children I could have had were still here. I know that if my first were still around, I probably wouldn't be where I am at today, although I would be happy with loving my child and not trade that child for anything. There probably wouldn't be Penny. I may not know all the people I know now, and that would have been just fine. Or, if I didn't miscarry my third pregnancy, I'd now have two kids. Penny would have a sibling, I still would not be back in school yet. Would it have been better? I think it just would have been different, and how things are now is just what was meant to be. Acceptance of this fate doesn't diminish the value and importance of the lives lost, nor take the pain of loss away, and it never will. It only helps to deal with what cannot be changed, to persevere and continue on with living my life however I can. It's a process: One day at a time, you survive, for yourself and everyone who still needs you.

August 2, 2009 at 12:17 pm
Andrea McCoy Branagan  - STORY . . . . STORY . . . STORY . . . STORY . . . . STORY . . . STORY . . .

August 2, 2009 at 1:26 pm
Andrea McCoy Branagan - Thinking of something to keep myself busy.

August 2, 2009 at 6:31 pm
Andrea McCoy Branagan  - Can't begin to express my gratitude for the outpouring of love, prayers, and support. Thank you.
Suellen - Joe, Katie and I are so sorry for the loss of your sweet Story. Thank you for the pictures - she is perfect! I can still remember that "Baby Smell" - nothing else like it in the world. Please know that we continue to pray for you, Casper, Kale and Timber. I bet that it feels like this nightmare will never end. In going thru adversity, I've been shocked to find that - one day (not today or anytime soon) - it was a little easier to take a breath. The pain is still there, but somehow it gets easier to remember and that memory brings a smile instead of tears of longing. As far as I can tell, it's a God-Thang - pure and simple. Your church family is here and loves you deeply. We don't want to be in your grill, but will be here when you are ready. With much love, prayers and concern.
Mary - Story's service was beautiful Andrea. I'm thinking of you & your family. Praying everyday for you!
Jennifer C. - Andrea, I love you, Casper, and your kids. You have been a blessing to have as friends for our family. We will always be here for you in any way we can be. We continue to pray. I know you are strong and that God will give you the strength you need to come back to us and to survive. You have something amazing, that is God on your side always and forever. He will never leave you and he is holding and loving on Story right now. God Bless and keep you all close to His heart.

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